Saturday, 26 April 2014

Aims and goals

As I am currently preparing for my GCSE exams that are coming up in the next couple months. I decided to take a break from drowning in a sea of revision and talk about aims and goals. 

I admit, I've never been someone that can spend hours and hours with my head in a textbook memorising every word from the page, I get distracted far to easily. 
However, I have been doing at least an hour a day making mind maps for subjects which is proving to be helpful. 

The problem is, a lot of people that do get the good grades just don't know what they want to do. They don't really have any ambitions or hopes for the future and so they leave school with no real career path. 

I could talk to you about all my aims for the future but that could end up slightly boring. In shorter terms, I'd like to go into event planning and continue with charity work.

When I talk about aims, I don't just mean education wise. Some people may want to travel around the world, be rich or pass their driving test. Aims can be anything but it's important to know how to achieve them. 

I'd definitely suggest making a bucket list. It's a great way to know exactly what you want out of life and make everyday count. 
Also, don't just stay indoors when it's warm, make sure you go outside, walk the dog, go to the park, go shopping. These all count as experiences, sure, they might not be the most exciting experiences but it's still better than sitting at home on the internet. 

Also a little update to add on. My friend Jenny has started a blog ( so go and have a little look. I'll be taking on a similar thing to what she's doing at the moment with advice and will also be doing product reviews so if you have any questions or ideas. Please get in touch. 


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